Only those who are permitted to be there are allowed entry into a building or workplace thanks to access control. It’s important to know the essentials of the best access control system. For many years, the deadbolt lock and brass key that matched it served as the gold standard of access control, but contemporary businesses need more. They want a mechanism to monitor and manage access, in addition to being able to regulate who enters through their doors. Computer-based electronic access control systems have taken the place of keys, providing rapid and convenient access to authorized people while refusing access to unauthorized ones.
Now, we carry access cards or ID badges to enter secured places instead of keys. Access to workstations, file rooms containing sensitive information, printers, and entrance doors can also be restricted using access control systems. Interior office door access is typically handled by the tenant company in bigger buildings, whereas external door access is typically regulated by a landlord or management company. People unfamiliar with access control may believe that the only components of the system are the card and the card reader, which are mounted on the wall next to the entrance. However, there are a few more components operating in the background to create the magic that allows access to the appropriate person.
Installing an access control system in your house or place of business is essential if you value security, and who doesn’t? It is what allows authorized individuals to enter and keeps prohibited individuals out. You might not want all of your staff to have access to your main office or safe, even within your own company. The best approach to guarantee that only the individuals you trust may access sensitive sections of your property is through access control.
Different access control systems operate in various ways. Three different types of access control can be used to limit entry to your home or place of business. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s crucial to consider your particular security requirements and select the access control method that best suits them.
Three Different Types of Access Control
- Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
The owner of the business can control how many people have access to a specific place with a discretionary access control system (DAC). A list of authorized users is kept at each access control point. The system verifies the credential against the list each time a key card is swiped, a PIN is entered, or a fingerprint is scanned, and then it either grants or denies access based on the previously defined allowances.
In comparison to other forms of access control, DAC systems are thought to be the most adaptable and provide the greatest number of permissions. The most flexible form also has the lowest level of security, especially when compared to systems that require access control. The system is completely under the control of one person, who may give access to someone who shouldn’t. Systems with discretionary access control work best for businesses that want maximum usability and flexibility.
- Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
Mandatory access control systems (MAC), on the other hand, are the most secure kind of access control. The only people who can use the systems are owners and custodians. The system administrator has predetermined all access control settings, and they cannot be altered or withdrawn without that administrator’s consent. A MAC system functions by identifying all users and granting them access to regions in accordance with the system’s programming, as opposed to DAC systems, which create access lists on each individual entry point. You will need to set up 150 user rights in the system if you have 150 employees.
The most stringent and secure access control measures are mandatory to access control systems, but they are also the most rigid. The administrator must modify not just the security lists at the entry point, but also the specific user’s access in order to adjust permissions. Companies and government organizations that want the highest levels of security frequently utilize MAC systems.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
The most common kind of access control is quickly evolving into role-based access control (RBAC). An RBAC system operates by granting permits to a certain job title, rather than issuing them to specific people as in a MAC system. It reduces the amount of time needed to set up or modify user access.
In the event that there are twenty salespeople, two managers, and three accountants, for instance, you wouldn’t need to set up 25 different security profiles in the system. Only three would need to be made, one for each different job title. When an employee is promoted, all they need are credentials appropriate for the new position, and they are ready to go.
Traditional access control systems are soon becoming obsolete at best and extremely insecure at worst due to the rapid advancement of current technologies. Key-based systems lack any form of comprehensive management capabilities, in addition to being readily breached by theft or duplicate.
With That Said, Let’s Look at Three Essential Components
The implementation of an access control system that is not only stylish but also efficient must take these considerations into account.
- Access control systems should work comprehensively.
The word “access control” implies the management of entries and exits. Therefore, the best access control systems enable the most thorough administration of entrances and exits. Physical control is the basis for this; access control should let administrators choose who is allowed to enter and leave a location and who is not.
However, more extensive levels of customization are possible with the best access control systems. What if, for instance, a person should only be able to access particular areas of space? What if an employee should only be able to enter a specified location at specific times? Access control solutions that are effective take into account these more extensive management scenarios. Controlling access also entails understanding how it occurs; are certain times or locations busier than others? Do certain people visit certain locations more often than others? Do entrances or exits occur at ominous times?
Efficient access control systems should produce the data underlying access. Administrators are then able to easily control who is allowed to enter and exit, as well as to watch as entries and exits take place, allowing them to spot any suspicious behaviour and maintain security.
- Access control systems should work easily.
Access control that is comprehensive is crucial. It makes security possible. However, administrators will struggle to employ access
control systems effectively if they are challenging to maintain, and building security will suffer as a result.
Access control systems should function effortlessly because of this.
There are a few typical ways that access control systems can promote usability:
- Intuitive design; Access control systems should be created with ease of use in mind for both the software and hardware components. Although it seems obvious, this is significant.
- Optimization for all devices: Ideally, admins should be able to examine and manage access controls from any location, using a range of their preferred devices. Management becomes more difficult and occurs less frequently when management is limited to a certain platform or device.
- Customizable alerts: access control systems should include the ability to set customizable alerts based on user activity. Automating management makes it easier.
- Access control systems should work with other systems.
Access control systems should also be simple to integrate, to finish.
The best systems integrate easily with other systems. For example, an access control solution that interacts easily with a video surveillance solution can allow administrators to watch entrances and exits in real-time and, with customized alerts plugged in, can speed up reactions to any security issues that develop.
You could significantly reduce theft with the help of an access control system that works in conjunction with an alarm system.
By preventing buildings from being too climate-controlled when no one is inside, an access control system that is connected with HVAC systems may help to increase energy efficiency.
The potential for efficacy of access control systems is almost infinite if they can interface with other systems.
Access Control from SecureTech Nigeria
There is no “one size fits all” strategy for access control. Every residence or establishment must select the best access control system that suits their specific demands and specifications. A discretionary access control system can be for you if you’re searching for simplicity and flexibility. A required access control system will provide the highest levels of security. Consider role-based access restriction if you want a combination of the two.
SecureTech Nigeria will be able to support you no matter what kind of access control you select. We will be pleased to share our knowledge with you as we have years of experience serving households and companies in Lagos, Nigeria, and West Africa. Please get in touch with us right away for a free, no-obligation quote if you have any questions about the sort of access control that is best for you.